2018 Financial Statement Audit – DULCOP chooses one of the “Big Four”
The well-known society PwC SpA, one of the biggest networks in the world of professional services, has been chosen by Dulcop for its 2018 financial statement audit.
The organization, born in 1998 from the fusion between the Price Waterhouse and the Coopers & Lybrand, is member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) and provides financial statement audit, managerial and strategic advisory, and legal and financial advisory.
With offices in 158 countries and more than 236,000 people, PwC SpA represents one of the “Big Four” in the reference market, together with Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young and KPMG.
The choice that led Dulcop to entrust PwC Spa was not made by chance. In fact, it reflects the willing of the company to give value to its work and generate confidence and reliability towards customers and stakeholders.
Finally, we would like to thank Dr. Andrea Carbini for joining us during all these years with competence and commitment.